Competency-based interview questions are an important part of the interview process, they let you ask questions that forces candidates to draw on real-life experiences and situations they have faced.
Look for candidates who have examples of previous scenarios they have been in and draw on their actions and what they did in those scenarios.
Use these questions to help identify:
- Leadership
- Problem-solving
- Risk-taking
- Communication
The following questions will help you assess how the candidate worked in previous scenarios.
Examples of Competency-based Questions
- Tell me about a time you had to lead a team to achieve a tight deadline and ensure that other tasks were still performed.
- Tell me about a problem you have had and how you resolved it. What steps did you take?
- Tell me about a time when you were working on a project that required a certain level of risk to be taken to try and complete the project within the given time frame. How did you evaluate and manage the risk?
- Tell me about a time when you had to communicate effectively with others in a non-face-to-face setting.
- Can you reflect on a project that you could have done better? How would you have improved it?
How to Evaluate Candidates
- Look for candidates who exhibit examples of real work experiences.
- Identify candidates who are methodical in their answers.
- For senior level and management candidates, identify when they have solved problems and demonstrated leadership.
- Identify candidates who can tell you about what went wrong, their weaknesses, and how they can improve that.