
Top 6 Linkedin Content Strategy Ideas for Recruiters and Pros (Free Template Inside!)

Discover effective LinkedIn content strategies to enhance your professional presence. Learn how to craft engaging posts, use hashtags, and more to stand out on LinkedIn.
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Promoting yourself on LinkedIn can feel like walking a tightrope. As a professional or recruiter, you want to showcase your skills and achievements without coming across as a grifter or ending up as a meme on /r/linkedinlunatics. The line between self-promotion and self-parody is thin, and navigating it can be daunting. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a guide to help you stand out from the crowd with a feasible LinkedIn content strategy

First things first, here’s what you need to watch out for:

  • Write what you know about. Don’t use ChatGPT to fill up your profile with generic posts
  • Find the best influencers in your space, and emulate the format of their most engaging posts
  • Make sure you offer something useful for your followers
  • And on that note, you should have a relevant following, which can be built by participating in relevant groups from your industry

LinkedIn Content Strategy 1: Find Good Content to Emulate

Let’s say you’re a recruiter trying to build your brand. The very first thing to start with is to find the best-performing content on the platform. Let’s start with some simple keyword searches:

The average recruiter might see this post and think this is a successful format to replicate for their own content, but here’s where you should learn about a little thing called engagement rate.

What is a LinkedIn Post Engagement Rate?

Put simply, the engagement rate is the percentage of people who see a post/follow a page and engage with it. It can usually be calculated by the following formula:

Engagement rate = (Comments + Reactions + Reposts) / Number of Followers

In the case of the example in the screenshot, the engagement rate based on the number of followers is very low (0.0037%). The best influencers in your space will have a healthy ratio of followers and engagement. Be sure to pick some posts that qualify for this criteria. Here’s what we picked:

In this scenario, the account posting this content has around 3000+ followers, but the engagement rate is 1.1%, much higher than the previous example. Now we need to compile a big list of post ideas like these seeded from different topics. Here’s a LinkedIn post Ideas template for you:

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Now that we have content ideas as well as a list of good content, let’s start writing some engaging posts.

Pro tip: Building your brand on LinkedIn requires time and effort. Recruiters who have to fill large numbers of positions may not always have the time and energy to balance both types of tasks. That’s why Manatal takes the tedious stuff away so that you can focus on growing your brand and business and let our AI take care of the recruitment for you. Try the 14-day free trial to see how much time it saves you.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2: Hook With The Intro

Here’s why your intro matters more than the content itself sometimes 👇

Hook the reader with your intro!

Start your posts with a compelling hook to grab attention. Whether it’s a provocative question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement, make sure your first sentence draws readers in. This will lead to the initial clicks on the post that help the algorithm decide whether it is worth showing to more people.

Pro Tip: Do it with AI!

Can’t come up with a hook? This AI prompt can help you with the GenAI of your choice:

Write a compelling 8 word intro hook focused on creating curiosity for a LinkedIn post about [YOUR TOPIC] is important for [YOUR AUDIENCE]. It should be a question that makes them think about what the solution is.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 3: Use Short Phrases

- There’s a reason why your posts on LinkedIn aren’t working.

-You’ve tried everything.

-Nothing gives results.

-It’s because you’re writing a single long paragraph…

-… In an age of scrolling and fast attention spans.

-Your content needs to solve the reader’s problems.

-And should be easy to read on smaller screens, too!

LinkedIn Content Strategy 4: Hashtags

Nobody reads them, everybody uses them, Hashtags are how the LinkedIn feed serves its content to people who follow specific topics. Here’s some tips on how you can find the best hashtags for your content:

  • LinkedIn’s Search Bar: Type a hashtag (e.g., #Leadership) into the search bar. This will show you the hashtag’s feed, where you can see related content and gauge its popularity (see the section on Engagement Rate above). You can also follow the hashtag to keep up with trending posts and create original content from them while they’re hot.Analyze Successful Posts: Look at high-engagement posts within your industry. Identify the hashtags used in these posts to understand which ones are currently popular and effective.
  • Use Hashtag Tools: Tools like LinkedIn’s own hashtag generator or third-party tools like Mention can help you find trending and relevant hashtags. These tools analyze popular hashtags based on your input keywords.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 5: Good Photography

Use Good Photos: High-quality images can make your posts stand out. Whether it’s a professional headshot, an infographic, or a behind-the-scenes photo, visuals can enhance your message and attract more views. In fact, according to our own testing, pictures with people in them perform 3x better in reach numbers than the posts without.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 6 Problems and Solutions

Lastly, writing about solutions to your audience’s problem can be highly engaging and valuable for your followers (provided you built the right following). Here’s some key tips to follow when creating this content:

  1. Identify the Problem Clearly: Start by clearly defining the problem (See: Hook Intros above!). Use relatable scenarios or common pain points that your audience might be experiencing. This helps in grabbing their attention and making them feel understood.
  2. Explain the Impact: Describe the impact of the problem. Use data, statistics, or real-life examples to illustrate how the problem affects individuals or businesses. This adds urgency and relevance to your content.
  3. Introduce the Solution: Present your solution clearly and concisely. Explain how it addresses the problem and why it’s effective. Highlight the unique aspects of your solution that set it apart from others.
  4. Provide Step-by-Step Guidance: Break down the solution into actionable steps. This makes it easier for your audience to implement the solution. Use bullet points or numbered lists for clarity.
  5. Include Visuals: Use images, infographics, or videos to support your explanation. Visuals can make complex information more digestible and engaging.
  6. Share Success Stories: Include case studies or testimonials from people who have successfully used your solution. This builds credibility and shows real-world applications of your advice.
  7. Encourage Interaction: Ask your audience to share their experiences or additional tips in the comments. This fosters engagement and creates a sense of community around your content.
  8. Use Relevant Hashtags: Incorporate hashtags related to the problem and solution to increase the visibility of your post. This helps your content reach a broader audience interested in those topics.
  9. Tag Relevant People and Pages: If your solution involves collaboration or insights from industry experts, tag them in your post. This can increase your post’s reach and credibility.
  10. End with a Call to Action: Conclude your post with a clear call to action. Whether it’s visiting your website, downloading a resource, or simply commenting on the post, guide your audience on what to do next.


Mastering LinkedIn content strategies can significantly enhance your professional presence and engagement on the platform. By implementing these tips, you can create impactful posts that resonate with your audience. Start applying these strategies today and watch your LinkedIn influence grow! ​

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