
Employee Survey: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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Crafting a thoughtful employee survey on diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential to identifying gaps and cultivating a more robust and inclusive workplace. But where do you begin? In this article, we’ll have created an Employee Survey: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion template designed to elicit meaningful feedback and transform your organizational practices. Prepare to unlock the true potential of your workforce by addressing the very issues that affect every employee’s experience.

Employee Survey: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Template


This survey aims to gather insights from employees regarding their perceptions and experiences related to diversity, equity, and inclusion within our organization. Your honest feedback is essential to foster a more inclusive workplace.


Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your responses are confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of improving our DEI initiatives.

Demographic Information (Optional):

  1. Gender:
    • [ ]  Male
    • [ ]  Female
    • [ ]  Non-binary
    • [ ]  Prefer not to say
  2. Age:
    • [ ]  Under 25
    • [ ]  25-34
    • [ ]  35-44
    • [ ]  45-54
    • [ ]  55-64
    • [ ]  65 and over
    • [ ]  Prefer not to say
  3. Ethnicity:
    • [ ]  White
    • [ ]  Black or African American
    • [ ]  Asian
    • [ ]  Hispanic or Latino
    • [ ]  Native American or Alaskan Native
    • [ ]  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • [ ]  Two or More Races
    • [ ]  Prefer not to say

Survey Questions:

  1. How would you rate the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization?
    • [ ]  Very Poor
    • [ ]  Poor
    • [ ]  Fair
    • [ ]  Good
    • [ ]  Excellent
  2. Do you feel that people from different backgrounds (race, gender, age, etc.) are treated equally in our workplace?
    • [ ]  Strongly Disagree
    • [ ]  Disagree
    • [ ]  Neutral
    • [ ]  Agree
    • [ ]  Strongly Agree
  3. Have you ever experienced or witnessed discrimination or bias within our organization?
    • [ ]  Yes
    • [ ]  No
    • [ ]  Prefer not to say
    • [ ]  If yes, please describe (optional):
  4. How supported do you feel by your management regarding diversity and inclusion initiatives?
    • [ ]  Not Supported
    • [ ]  Somewhat Supported
    • [ ]  Neutral
    • [ ]  Supported
    • [ ]  Very Supported
  5. Does our organization provide sufficient training and resources on diversity and inclusion?
    • [ ]  Strongly Disagree
    • [ ]  Disagree
    • [ ]  Neutral
    • [ ]  Agree
    • [ ]  Strongly Agree
    • [ ]  If not, what additional resources or training would you suggest? (optional):
  6. How comfortable do you feel sharing your thoughts on DEI initiatives in our workplace?
    • [ ]  Very Uncomfortable
    • [ ]  Uncomfortable
    • [ ]  Neutral
    • [ ]  Comfortable
    • [ ]  Very Comfortable
  7. What steps do you think our organization can take to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  8. (Open-ended response)
  9. Are there specific DEI issues that you think should be prioritized within our organization?
  10. (Open-ended response)
  11. Would you be interested in participating in future DEI training sessions or groups?
    • [ ]  Yes
    • [ ]  No
    • [ ]  Maybe
  12. Any Additional Comments or Suggestions:
    (Open-ended response)

Thank You:

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is invaluable in creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace for everyone.

Why the Employee Survey Matter

Employee surveys are a direct channel for gathering honest feedback from the workforce. Unlike metrics that may only capture quantitative aspects, such as hiring ratios or promotion rates, surveys delve into the qualitative experience of employees. They offer a voice to the workforce, enabling organizations to understand how DE&I efforts are resonating on a personal level. The insights gained can reveal gaps, biases, or areas where employees feel the organization is succeeding or falling short.

Analyzing and Acting on the Results

Once the survey is completed, it's important to carefully review the responses, looking for patterns, common themes, and areas that need improvement. Breaking down the data by different groups within the organization can help you understand their unique experiences. After reviewing the results, it’s crucial to take action. Share the findings with employees and explain what steps will be taken to address any issues. This not only shows that the organization values their input but also builds trust and reinforces a commitment to DE&I efforts.


Implementing an employee survey to gather insights on DE&I efforts is not just a one-time exercise; it should be part of an ongoing strategy to enhance and refine these initiatives. By regularly seeking and acting on employee feedback, organizations can create a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace that benefits everyone. The success of DE&I efforts relies on the voices of those who are most impacted by them, making employee surveys a vital tool in the journey toward a truly inclusive workplace.

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