
Time Tracking

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What is time tracking?

Time tracking often refers to how firms record their workers' working hours. This assessment of hours worked on projects or activities is then used to ensure that employees are properly rewarded.

Time entries are utilized not just for payroll, but they are also a safe way for managers to monitor where employees' time is going and how long it takes to perform a certain activity.

Time entries are used not just for payroll, but they are also a safe way for managers to monitor where employees' time is going and how long it takes to perform a certain activity. When it is clear which tasks are consuming the most time, it is possible to reflect on how that time is used appropriately. The most time-consuming jobs are not always the ones that take the greatest effort or provide the most value. Quite often, the opposite is true.

What is time entry?

Time entry is the daily procedure through which an employer enters employees' starting and ending times, as well as any breaks not specified in the employee's contract.

These timings are known as timestamps, and they can be recorded on a physical document known as a timecard or electronically using a spreadsheet or time-tracking software. Time entry is sometimes known as "clocking in and out" or "punching in and out," with the latter referring to "punching" the button on a physical time clock that stamps the time on a paper timecard.

Why is time tracking important?

  • Time tracking provides real-time visibility into projects and reveals crucial operational indicators that would otherwise be invisible. Benchmarking, budgeting, estimating, and compliance all need time tracking. It improves the effectiveness of teams, the productivity of organizations, and the profitability of corporations.
  • It uncovers the actual costs of corporate operations and offers crucial time entry data to executives, managers, and employees. Leaders may then examine this data, which frequently leads to valuable operational insights.
  • Organizations can find hidden cost centers and underperforming initiatives that would otherwise go unnoticed by measuring employees' time. By obtaining this information, they can frequently prevent costly overtime payments and project delays, both of which raise the actual cost of the projects.
  • Organizations with non-exempt employees must utilize a time-tracking system. This is done to guarantee that all extra hours are documented and that payroll is allocated accurately. Failure to effectively track employee overtime can result in penalties, litigation, and serious workplace disruptions.
  • Leaders obtain real-time insight into staff utilization and availability when time-tracking standards are enforced. With this information, companies can forecast when and if a project will go over budget, as well as limit the quantity of non-billable or free work. This data also assists in determining employment requirements, long-term project planning, and other tasks.

How to introduce time tracking to employees

Before implementing timekeeping, consider how everyone would react to the news. Attempts to monitor someone's activity at work are frequently met with hostility. Despite the numerous benefits, any type of time management reporting is likely to elicit opposition from the team due to the perception that they would be constantly monitored.

This reaction results from a misconception about the intended use of the data. Some people could be worried that their timesheets will be used against them or that their introduction is an intentional attempt at micromanagement.

It is the responsibility of a manager to encourage the discussion regarding time tracking and properly outline the use cases. Get the team's support by outlining the real justifications for the use of time monitoring.

Successful businesspeople go to considerable pains to demonstrate the value of time tracking for both individuals and corporate entities. Team members may utilize time monitoring to strive toward their individual and collective goals by investing time in their personal and professional development.


Without a time-tracking application, it is difficult to monitor staff, their time, and the company's projects. Although it is undoubtedly feasible, things are changing.

In the modern day, precision and consistency are necessary. Accurate data may provide insights that can keep the business profitable and your staff productive. Time tracking is a crucial subject, which is why time-tracking software has become so well-liked.

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Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
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Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
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International Director - JB Hired
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