
Summary Dismissal

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What Is A Summary Dismissal Of Employment?

A summary dismissal happens when an employer terminates someone without providing notice or pay in place of notice. In essence, the dismissal is effective immediately and is typically the result of serious wrongdoing.

Gross misconduct is seen as an exceedingly significant breach of contract that permanently harms the working relationship and trust between the employer and employee. Gross misconduct is also referred to as extremely serious misbehavior. The specific facts of each case will, of course, determine whether the alleged wrongdoing is severe enough to warrant a reasonable summary dismissal.

What Are The Potential Employment Law Issues Around Summary Dismissal?

Unfair Dismissal

Unfair dismissal is one of the most often cited defenses in employment tribunal cases. Unfair dismissal occurs when an employer terminates an employee's employment without providing a valid cause. If the employer had a valid cause for the layoff but handled it improperly, the employee may claim unfair dismissal.

Wrongful Dismissal

When an employer fails to provide the proper amount or any notice at all, it is considered a wrongful dismissal, which is a violation of the contract and is frequently challenged by employees.

An employee would typically be entitled to statutory or contractual notice pay, depending on which is longer, when a dismissal occurs. It would be considered a violation of contract to fail to pay notice, and any employee, regardless of their length of service, might file a claim for breach of contract.

Reasons For Summary Dismissal

The primary focus of the justification for the summary dismissal of an employee is a gross act of misconduct.

Examples include:

  • Theft or fraud.
  • Damage to company property.
  • Setup of a competing business.
  • Serious breach of health & safety regulations.
  • Discrimination of another employee.
  • Harassment of another employee.

When Is Summary Dismissal Fair?

Summary dismissal may only be used when it is urgently necessary to let an employee go from the organization for one of the aforementioned reasons. If an employee is fired for wrongdoing, they must be given the required notice.

Firms must be extremely cautious when using summary dismissal and make sure they follow the law; otherwise, the matter may be taken before an employment tribunal, and companies may be penalized for using unfair dismissal practices.

Fair Process

A disciplinary hearing must still be convened after a summary dismissal, and the entire fair procedure must be followed. The employee may be fired without giving notice or receiving payment in place of notice if the decision to do so is made at the conclusion of the hearing.

Employers are less likely to be found guilty of unfair dismissal by an employment tribunal when a fair procedure is followed.

Using norms and processes to handle all disciplinary issues promotes fairness. These should be specified and made apparent in writing for everyone to use. Employee representatives need to be included in the creation of organizational policies where suitable. All policies and procedures should be explained to all employees since it's crucial that they know what they are, where to find them, and how to apply them.

What Should A Summary Dismissal Letter Contain?

The employee must be informed in writing of the grounds for their dismissal and the date on which their employment contract will end if a decision is made to summarily dismiss them.

The dismissal letter is also a chance for you to explain and document the justification for your decision to fire the employee without cause, as well as the just procedure you used to arrive at that conclusion.

What Is The Summary Dismissal Procedure?

Your dismissal process before dismissal should follow the principles listed below:

  • Be explicit about the suspension of the individual.
  • Launch an inquiry on the allegations.
  • Question witnesses about the incident or conduct.
  • Schedule an employee disciplinary hearing.
  • Continue to hold the hearing.
  • Select a result.
  • Inform the employee of your decision and their ability to appeal.

What Is The Difference Between Dismissal And Summary Dismissal?

Summary dismissal is when an employee is let go without giving them a notice period or notice in lieu of notice, as opposed to an ordinary dismissal when they are given either a statutory or contractual period of notice.

Is Summary Dismissal The Same As Instant Dismissal?

Summary and instant dismissal are not always the same. An employer may be held liable for charges of unfair dismissal if they immediately fire an employee without first completing a fair and legal disciplinary procedure, such as looking into any claims of serious misconduct.

Summary dismissal is not the same as being fired "on the spot" or immediately, since you must follow a fair procedure and demonstrate valid grounds for firing an employee before deciding to fire them.


Employers must exercise caution when dismissing an employee without providing notice or paying in lieu of notice, not the least to reduce the possibility that they would face a claim of unfair or unlawful dismissal.

A summary dismissal occurs when an employer fires an employee without providing notice or compensation in place of notice.

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