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What Is Reskilling?

Reskilling is the process through which individuals gain new skills in order to transition into a different employment capacity within the firm or to fulfill the changing demands of a present function. It frequently happens as a result of technological advancements or skill shortages when an employee's old duties or activities become obsolete.

The process of reskilling involves a number of intricate aspects. These might be anything from a person's degree of motivation to a particular trainer or firm investment. For reskilling initiatives, businesses should establish precise objectives and track their development often.

Why Is Reskilling Important?

Reskilling is crucial for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it enables you to retain your company's most devoted employees.

The Covid-19 epidemic, robotic process automation (RPA), and artificial intelligence (AI) have all transformed how we view the duties of employees.

Additionally, all of these factors emphasize how crucial it is now more than ever to reskill personnel.

Reskilling enables firms to retain their staff while also placing them in more valuable roles that benefit the organization. Employees will still need jobs after the epidemic, and those jobs don't necessarily have to be in a different sector or organization.

Employees can improve and develop upon their present skill set through reskilling in order to continue working and being productive.

How To Reskill Your Workforce?

Retraining employees is a challenging task that needs strategic preparation, particularly when it includes transferring them into more technical fields. These actions may be taken by organizations to position themselves for success.

Give The Most Important Skills Top Priority: Companies should rank the talents that are most essential to their future success, such as those related to emerging technologies or communication channels. They need to focus their funding and training efforts in those sectors where reskilling is most likely to fill a critical need right now.

Recognize Individuals with Transferrable Skills: Although the goal of reskilling is to provide employees with whole new skill sets, the procedure is considerably easier if the employees have some prior experience in the field. Companies might get started by compiling a database of the abilities that are represented throughout the company. Then, they may choose employees who can most readily transition into new positions by using this information to both detect skill gaps and make personnel selections.

Encourage Retraining: For many employees, the idea of acquiring an entirely new skill set and function might be overwhelming. The best way to ensure that workers realize that reskilling is the best road to longevity in the firm and the industry is through clear communication. They should also be aware that they will receive support all along the way.

Put Staff Members Through Formal Programs and Courses: Although there are many excellent chances for internal training, formal and external training may be the best option for developing new skill sets within a business.

Offer Rotations and Opportunities for Cross-Training: Employees can test out a new position and determine what they need to learn through departmental rotations or assignments to specific projects if a particular skill set already exists within the business.

Reskilling Versus Upskilling 

Upskilling is the process of teaching or learning new skills to employees.

The process of reskilling entails either learning new abilities to do a different job or training others to do so.

Employers may address what is expected to become a persistent skills shortage using either of these two viable strategies.

Reskilling entails looking for people with "adjacent abilities" which are similar to the new talents your organization needs. It offers a lateral learning opportunity that can aid in the extensive retraining needed by workers in the modern workforce.

On the other side, a culture of upskilling entails educating staff members in new, sophisticated skills to fill talent gaps. It entails keeping your team members engaged in ongoing education while also assisting in their professional advancement.


Making reskilling a core component of your business is essential for bridging employee skill gaps and ensuring that your firm is in the best possible situation to succeed no matter how the workplace evolves.

Because new abilities make a person more qualified for flexible or higher-level tasks within the organization, reskilling gives employees a better likelihood of sticking with the company. Employees who reskill have a head start on expanding their skill sets and moving up the corporate ladder in the future, in addition to keeping their job within the organization.

However, it is important to consider the backgrounds of the employees while developing retraining programs.

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Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
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International Director - JB Hired
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