
LinkedIn InMail

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What Is A Linkedin Inmail?

InMail messages are a paid tool that allows you to message another LinkedIn member who is not linked to you. Only LinkedIn users to whom you are linked may send you a direct message if you have a Basic (free) account. Use of InMail messages requires a Premium account upgrade.

On LinkedIn, InMail is a premium service. Credits are available in packs of 10, 20, or 40. Sending an InMail will cost you one credit.

InMail can have attachments and a maximum character count of 3,000.

InMail may only be sent to other LinkedIn users who are connected to you if you have a free account. Members with a premium account on LinkedIn can send InMail to any LinkedIn user, even if they are not linked to that individual.

What Distinguishes Linkedin's Inmail From Messages?

On LinkedIn, there are circles of contacts, and your network consists of first-, second-, and third-degree connections.

People who have accepted your connection invitation are considered first-degree connections. Second-degree connections are those with which you have one or more shared contacts. Third-degree connections are those with whom you have no shared connections. 

Only first-degree connections in your network can receive regular messages, and this functionality is available to all users with a basic free account. You must first invite others to connect to your network before you can send them messages. You do have another option if the other person rejects your request to connect: InMail.

You may send messages to any LinkedIn user using the paid function InMail, but you must subscribe to a premium account in order to use it.

Normally, you can't message someone on LinkedIn unless you are linked to them or in the same LinkedIn Group. This reduces the amount of spam that is available while also preserving people's privacy. There are occasions when LinkedIn Premium members will provide free message access to others. This functionality may be useful to sales professionals as well as recruiters.

If someone chooses to send an InMail, the recipient will be immediately notified.

LinkedIn InMail messages are explicitly labeled as such, suggesting that they are not organic messages from your contacts and that someone paid for the right to send you a message.

This could persuade recipients to open it since they are assured it is not spam. However, they will be aware that the sender is looking for something.

How Does Inmail Work?

LinkedIn offers many premium membership options, including Premium Career, Premium Business, Sales Navigator Core, Recruiter Lite, and LinkedIn Learning.

With the exception of the LinkedIn Learning plan, which only provides access to educational information, each offers a wealth of premium features, including in-mail credits.

As a result, using the InMail option will earn you 30 credits for Recruiter Lite and five credits for the Premium Career plan, 15 credits for Premium Businesses, and 50 credits for Sales Navigator Core.

One credit is deducted from your account for each InMail message that is accepted, rejected, or replied to within 90 days; however, pending messages are not considered accepted or rejected and do not remove credits from your account.

If you don't use them within a month, you can collect and accumulate InMail credits, but be aware that they expire after 120 days.

What Is The Purpose Of Linkedin Inmail?

By using InMail, you may be able to communicate with people you otherwise couldn't.

Consider the scenario when you wish to contact the CEO of a business where you are interested in working. They are not linked to you on LinkedIn, and neither do you know anyone who is.

InMail is the best option if you want to get in touch with people that match your buyer persona(s) and receive a response quickly.

Why Is Inmail Important?

For generating cold leads, LinkedIn InMail is a great tool. Cold leads are potential customers who have never expressed interest in your service or goods. They scarcely know anything about your company, and you barely know them. Reaching out to them is a great way to grow your network, increase sales, or even land a new job. You may use LinkedIn InMail, to contact cold prospects. If you are an employer, you can use InMail to communicate with potential hires for your company.

Check out their profile and write them a message without adding them to your connections or starting to look for their emails. Your InMail messages are more likely to receive a response than emails.

You receive an analytics page with detailed information on the performance of the messages you are sending out as soon as you start using the LinkedIn InMail function.

You can monitor how well or poorly it is doing. This data can assist you in optimizing your message strategies.


Getting InMail on LinkedIn costs money. But you'll get a great return on your investment.

You can communicate with someone you're not even linked to using InMail. It will improve the likelihood that they will become future clients.

Given that you understand how to obtain InMail credits on LinkedIn, doing the task will be simpler for you. Reach out to more individuals and turn them into prospective clients.

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I've been using Manatal for the past couple of months and the platform is excellent, user-friendly and it has helped me a lot in my recruitment process, operation and database management. I'm very happy with their great support. Whenever I ask something they come back to me within minutes.
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Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
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Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
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Ngoc-Thinh Tran
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