
Contingent Worker

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What Is a Contingent Worker? 

Someone who works for an organization but is not officially hired as an employee is known as a contingent worker. Workers who are regarded as contingent may provide their services permanently, temporarily, or as required. They are typically hired to complete a specific project, as opposed to permanent staff who take on a continuous, indefinite duty. These are some instances of contingent workers:

  • Independent businesses
  • Freelancers
  • Consultants
  • Temporary employees hired by a staffing firm or other outside entity and placed in your organization

What Advantages Do Employing Contingent Workers Offer?

Hiring contingent workers could have various strategic and financial benefits. They include:

  • Flexibility: Instead of making the commitment to hire more permanent workers, organizations can vary the size of their workforce as needs change. You have the option to work with a contingent worker again once they have completed their task.
  • Obtain specific knowledge. For ad hoc tasks like building your company website, which requires expertise your regular crew lacks, workers can be brought in.
  • Reduce compensation costs. Businesses are only required to pay contingent employees the agreed-upon sum for their labor. They are not required to pay overtime or offer them perks like paid time off or healthcare.
  • Spend less on training. Typically, employers hire contingent workers for their advanced knowledge and existing abilities to shorten or eliminate time to productivity.
  • Avoid having to pay taxes. Consultants, freelancers, and independent contractors are in charge of their own taxes. Payroll taxes are not required to be withheld and deposited, nor are matching employer contributions to Social Security and Medicare taxes required.

Can Any Employee Be Considered a Contingent Employee?

No. Employers may be tempted to mistakenly designate workers as contingent due to the business motivations mentioned above. Strict labor rules help shield workers in the U.S. from this behavior.

Even for well-intentioned companies, determining whether a person qualifies as a contingent worker legally can be challenging. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, no one criterion may determine this, according to the U.S. Supreme Court. The judges assert that all relevant circumstances, including the following, must be taken into account:

  • How much the provided services are a necessary component of the principal's business.
  • The continuity of the connection.
  • The sum invested in facilities and equipment by the claimed contractor.
  • The type and extent of the principal's control
  • The potential for profit and loss for the putative contractor.
  • The degree of initiative, discretion, or insight in open competition with others is necessary for the claimed independent contractor to succeed.
  • How independently businesses are organized and run.

If you're thinking about utilizing contingent labor, it's advisable to seek qualified legal counsel, given the various complications surrounding this subject.


Many productive contingent workers can earn more money or put in fewer hours than they would as salaried workers—and occasionally, they can do both. Additionally, independent workers frequently cherish it. They are free to select the tasks that appeal to them the most, and once you have given them a task, the law states that they are free to pick how to complete it; micromanagement is not permitted.

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