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What Is An Acqui-Hire?

The term "acquire-hiring," which combines the phrases "acquisition" and "hiring," describes the practice of buying a business in order to recruit its workforce. Typically, larger firms with the means and funds to do so will adopt this recruitment strategy. These organizations struggle to compete for talent with venture-capital-backed start-ups and may rely on acquisitions to stay ahead.

An acquihire is just a fancy way of saying that your business is being acquired mostly for the amazing team you've put together rather than the good or service you were (trying to) market.

When a company collapses, this can be more orderly than the wind-down procedure, although it frequently denotes a distressed sale.

After the deal, the company that was bought during the process is usually shut down. Payment options include cash, buyer stock, or a combination of the two.

How Are Acqui-Hire Purchases Conducted by Businesses?

An acqui-hire is not subject to any specific rules. Typically, a mix of stocks or other assets is traded. But employees still receive the majority of the purchase money. Many of these agreements are short on terms since the main value is in the employees, not the firm.

Acqui-hire costs are typically determined by the buyer on a per-head basis. In other words, the business pays a predefined sum for each hire. 

A few other aspects should be considered by the buyer, including:

  • How to structure the deal: Make sure you're purchasing the entire firm rather than just its employees and assets. Otherwise, you risk delaying the transaction while the business is liquidated.
  • The impact of the purchase on your board of directors
  • How to reduce or eliminate post-closing liabilities to the management team and investors.
  • Whether an independent analyst would view the expected payment as fair.

What Distinguishes an Acqui-Hire from an Acquisition?

In a traditional acquisition, a company buys out a company in exchange for its clientele or its product. Executives at the larger corporation deem the assets of the acquired company to be valuable. The objective is to buy those assets in order to improve the purchasing company's position.

The purpose of an acqui-hire is considerably simpler. The company's employees are so valuable that purchasing the entire business would be a wise move to secure their services.

Acqui-Hires: Why do they occur?

Presenting failures as successes: The founder of a failing business is exempt from accountability. Rather, the individual might claim that the firm did not fail. Instead, someone bought it.

  • Facilitates Expensive Hirings: When a technology business wishes to hire a bright worker, it finds itself in an unpleasant situation. It looks awful if it hires someone at a greater wage than an existing employee. With an acqui-hire, a business may acquire workers without haggling over pay in the same manner it would with typical hiring.
  • Has tax advantages: Employees are not required to recognize bonuses as pay. They might instead classify the funds as capital gains, which are subject to a reduced tax rate. For tax-related purposes, the buying business might write the buying agreement in the most effective way.

What to consider before an acqui-hire?

It's crucial to go through all the logistics before buying a business. Is the timing right? Have you consulted a lawyer? Are you ready to welcome this many new teammates?

However, you'll need to go a step further if you want your acqui-hire to be truly successful. Make sure you additionally inquire as to whether the goals of your business and the one you are acquiring are compatible. If not, think about what might encourage new workers to stay with you.

According to research, starting a business affects employees in more ways than one. They are concerned with the goals and culture of the business. If these team members don't feel linked to the greater picture when they start working for a bigger firm following an acquisition, it might be difficult. It's critical to think about how to support these people in feeling satisfied, aligned, and connected.


Acqui-hiring is a wise recruiting approach since it reduces the time and expense of hiring new employees. It stands for a practical shortcut to quickly employ top talent in huge numbers. Additionally, it offers a firm that is being acquired as a replacement for a closure. Companies that are acquired frequently have financial problems, so this type of business transaction provides them with a way out while allowing investors to recoup some or all of their investments. Typically, the acquired company closes after being purchased.

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HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
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Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
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Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
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Ngoc-Thinh Tran
HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
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