Topgrading Interview Guide to Build High-Performance Teams

September 11, 2024
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As a recruiter, you want to ensure that you get that one candidate who will be a great addition to the organization. But that is not always the case. Somehow during the interview process, the talent did great but completely changed 180 after a few months of joining. So, one of the methodologies that you can use to avoid that is called topgrading interview.

What is a Topgrading Interview?

It is a methodology whereby you focus on thoroughly evaluating candidates to ensure that they are the best fit for a specific role. So, the goal is for you to find talent that has the right skills, experience, and mindset to perform well. This leads to higher performance, productivity, and retention rates within the company.

Typically, you will ask candidates a series of in-depth questions to delve deep into specific instances of their past performance to understand their problem-solving skills, to determine how your candidate copes with stress, leadership capabilities, and company culture fit. You want to ensure that your talent possesses these critical core competencies:

  • Drive: Determining motivation, ambition, and work ethic.
  • Resourcefulness: Assessing adaptability and creative problem-solving.
  • Customer Focus: Understanding how well the candidate prioritizes customer needs.
  • Team-Building: Assessing collaboration and team-building skills.
  • Integrity: Ensuring ethical behavior and honesty.
  • Communication: Assessing verbal and written communication skills.

The Topgrading Interview Process

This methodology is designed to help you identify the best-fit candidates for specific roles by thoroughly evaluating candidates’ skills, experience, and mindset. By doing so, organizations can improve performance, productivity, and retention rates.

Here are the key steps involved in the topgrading interview process:

  1. Preparation and Role Definition:
    • Before conducting interviews, ensure a clear understanding of the role’s requirements, responsibilities, and expectations.
    • Define the core competencies needed for success in the position.
  2. Resume Review and Phone Screen:
    • Use Manatal’s Recommendation Engine that compares and ranks candidates in your job pipeline. It is powered by AI which scores candidates based on parameters extracted from a job description like work experience, skills, location, and more.
    • Conduct a phone screen to assess basic qualifications and initial fit.
  3. Competency-Based Interviewing:
    • Conduct in-depth interviews using behavioral questions that focus on specific competencies. You can use these interview question templates to make the process smoother.
    • Ask candidates to provide detailed examples from their past experiences.
  4. Chronological In-Depth Interview (CID):
    • Dive deep into the candidate’s career history.
    • Explore each job role, responsibilities, achievements, challenges, and reasons for leaving.
    • Identify patterns and assess consistency.
  5. Candidate Scorecards and Calibration:
    • Create candidate interview scorecards to standardize the reviews between you can the hiring managers
    • Calibrate scores with other interviewers to ensure consistency.
  6. Reference Checks:
    • Contact professional references provided by the candidate.
    • Ask about the candidate’s performance, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  7. Final Interview and Decision:
    • Conduct a final interview with senior leaders or hiring managers.
    • Evaluate cultural fit, alignment with company values, and long-term potential.
    • Make an informed hiring decision based on all available information.


When Do You Need to Use a Topgrading Interview?

Judging by the processes above, this method is particularly useful when you want to hire talent for key positions within your company. Topgrading interviews allow you to dig deep into a candidate's professional background, career trajectory, and personal development to assess their ability to drive results and lead teams effectively.

Additionally, topgrading interviews are essential when you want to ensure that the candidate's values, work ethic, and personality align with the values and culture of your organization. By asking detailed questions about their past experiences, challenges they have faced, and how they have handled difficult situations in the past, you can gauge whether they have the qualities and characteristics that are essential for success within your company.

Tograding Interview Checklist

As a recruiter, having a thorough and organized grading interview checklist is crucial for ensuring that you are effectively assessing candidates and making informed hiring decisions. Here is a detailed guide on how to create and use a grading interview checklist:

Before the Interview:

  • Start by clearly defining the job requirements and identifying the key skills, qualifications, and experiences that are essential for the role. This will help you create a structured checklist that aligns with the job description.
  • Familiarize yourself with the candidate's resume and any other relevant documents beforehand, so you have a good understanding of their background and can tailor your questions accordingly.
  • Create a standardized set of questions and criteria that you will use to evaluate each candidate consistently. This will ensure fairness and accuracy in your assessments.
  • Set clear expectations for what you are looking for in a candidate, such as specific technical skills, soft skills, and cultural fit with the organization.

During the Interview:

  • Use the checklist to guide your interview process and keep track of the candidate's responses. Make notes of their answers, observations, and any standout qualities that you notice.
  • Rate each candidate's performance based on the predetermined criteria. Assign scores or grading levels for each skill or qualification to make it easier to compare candidates later on.
  • Pay attention to how the candidate communicates, their body language, and how well they articulate their thoughts. These non-verbal cues can provide valuable insights into their overall suitability for the role.
  • Ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into specific areas of concern or interest, and give candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise and experience in relevant areas.
  • Be objective and consistent in your evaluations, and avoid any biases or subjective judgments that could influence your grading.

After the Interview:

  • Review your notes and scores for each candidate, and compare them against the job requirements and expectations. Use the checklist to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for further consideration.
  • Compile feedback from any other interviewers or team members who were part of the selection process to gain a well-rounded perspective on each candidate.
  • Consider ranking candidates in order of preference based on your grading, and use this information to inform your final hiring decision.
  • Provide constructive feedback to candidates on their performance during the interview and offer recommendations for improvement, regardless of whether they are selected for the role.

By following these steps and using a well-structured grading interview checklist, you can ensure that you are conducting thorough and fair assessments of candidates, and ultimately make more informed hiring decisions that are in line with the needs of your organization.


In conclusion, implementing the topgrading interview methodology is a strategic approach to evaluate candidates through in-depth interviews and a structured assessment process. You can gain deeper insights into a talent’s past performance, problem-solving abilities, and overall fit for the role. This methodology emphasizes the importance of preparation, consistency, and thoroughness, from the initial resume review and phone screen to the final interview and reference checks.

Ultimately, the goal of topgrading interviews is to build a high-performing team that drives organizational success. By adopting this approach, you can improve your recruitment outcomes, increase employee retention, and foster a strong, cohesive workplace culture.

Arief Irsyad

Arief Irsyad or Arief for short is a Content Marketing Specialist at Manatal. He is a curious learner who likes to explore various topics and share his insights and opinions, especially about technology and gadgets. When he’s not writing about the topics he loves, he likes to travel, cook, and play mobile games.

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