Unlocking Lateral Recruiting: Innovate Your Talent Search

September 11, 2024
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The skill gap remains one of recruiters’ challenges. It’s hard to land the right candidates who possess the right skillset on those empty seats, especially for senior positions or above. On the other side, job seekers also find it difficult to find a job that they can fit in, as they complain that job requirements are too narrow or specific. [1] In the middle of the challenging Talent Acquisition landscape, lateral recruiting may be the solution you’re looking for. It is a strategy that focuses on hiring an employee for a role that is at the same level of seniority or rank as their current position, but with different responsibilities or within a different department or division of the organization.

How is it different from the regular recruitment strategy? How do you implement lateral hiring into your recruitment approach? Are there difficulties or cons that come with lateral hiring? Let’s dive into it and find the answers to these questions!

Differences Between Lateral Recruiting And Traditional Hiring

Focus on Specific Expertise

  • Lateral recruiting focuses on finding candidates with specific expertise and experience in a particular field or industry. These candidates are usually already employed in similar roles at other companies and are sought after for their specialized skills that can bring immediate value to the organization.
  • Traditional hiring, on the other hand, looks for candidates who possess general skills and qualifications that are essential for the job. These candidates may not have the same level of expertise or experience in a specific area as lateral recruits.

Source of Candidates

  • Candidates in lateral recruiting are often sourced through headhunting agencies, specialized job boards, or referrals from industry connections. These candidates may not be actively looking for a new job but are approached because of their unique qualifications.
  • Candidates in traditional hiring are typically sourced through job postings on general job boards, company websites, and recruitment agencies. These candidates typically actively seeking a new job opportunity.

Speed of Recruitment

  • Lateral recruiting processes are usually faster than traditional hiring processes because it goes straight to candidates with specific skills or experience. You can prioritize these candidates and move quickly to secure them.
  • Traditional hiring processes may take longer as you have to sift through a larger pool of candidates with varying qualifications and experiences. There may be more rounds of interviews and assessments involved as well.

Integration into the Organization

  • Lateral recruits are expected to hit the ground running and contribute to your company immediately, due to their specialized expertise. They may also require less training and onboarding compared to traditional hires.
  • Traditional hires are likely to require more training and onboarding to get up to speed with your processes and culture. They may need more time to ramp up before they can make a significant impact on your organization.

How to Enable Lateral Recruitment

To enable lateral recruitment within an organization, certain policy and process changes are necessary. Let’s take a look at actionable steps you can follow.

1. Make Clear Role Definitions

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each position within your organization to ensure that potential lateral hires understand what is expected of them. This will help in attracting candidates who possess the necessary skills and experience for the role.

2. Streamline the Recruitment Process

The next step is simplifying the hiring process to ensure smooth lateral recruiting. So, take a step back and look at areas where you can automate such as unnecessary paperwork to clear up more time and open a bigger window for you to make better decisions. Implementing a tool like an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) in the process to take over tasks like applicant screening and candidate listing, making it easier to track candidates, schedule interviews, and communicate with them. You can leverage an ATS software like Manatal to quickly identify the most suitable talent for your lateral recruiting.


3. Provide Transparent Communication

Maintain open and transparent communication throughout the lateral recruitment process. Keep candidates informed about their progress, provide feedback on their application, and be honest about the opportunities and challenges within your organization. This will help in building trust and positive relationships with potential lateral hires.

4. Set Up a Robust Onboarding Program

Develop a comprehensive onboarding program for new lateral hires to help them acclimate to your culture, processes, and expectations. Also, provide them with the necessary training and resources to ensure a smooth transition into their new roles.

5. Ensure Performance Management Alignment

Align the performance management system with the goals and objectives of your company to ensure that lateral hires are evaluated based on relevant metrics and criteria. This will motivate and encourage them to perform at their best.

6. Don’t Forget Professional Development Opportunities

Be sure to provide ongoing professional development opportunities for lateral hires to enhance their skills, knowledge, and capabilities. It can be training programs, workshops, or certifications to help them grow within the organization.

7. Develop Succession Planning

Lastly, develop a succession planning strategy to identify high-potential lateral hires and nurture them for leadership positions within your company. You’ll end up with a stronger talent pipeline and be able to ensure continuity in key roles.

When Should You Consider Lateral Recruiting?

  • When you need to fill specialized roles: Lateral recruiting can be extremely beneficial when you have specific positions within your organization that require unique skill sets or experience that are not easily found within your current workforce.
  • Addressing skill gaps at higher levels: Lateral recruiting is a great strategy for addressing skill gaps at higher levels of your organization. If you have identified areas where your current leadership team lacks certain skills or experiences, bringing in external candidates at a lateral level can help fill those gaps and strengthen your leadership team.
  • Expanding into new markets or industries: When expanding your business into new markets or industries, lateral recruiting can help you quickly bring in individuals with the necessary industry knowledge, network, and expertise to drive growth and success in these new areas.
  • Accelerating growth and development: If your organization is looking to rapidly grow and scale, lateral recruiting can be a key strategy for accelerating this process. By bringing in experienced professionals at a similar level, you can quickly add talent and resources to support your growth objectives.


In conclusion, lateral recruiting stands as a powerful strategy to secure top talent. By targeting professionals with proven experience and skills, you can quickly fill critical roles and drive innovation within your organization. However, it is not without its considerations. Before getting started, it’s a must to reflect on your culture, the integration process for new hires, and the readiness of your existing teams to welcome lateral recruits. Remember, the key to successful lateral recruiting lies in the approach that balances the infusion of new talent with the harmonious blending of these professionals into the fabric of your company.


1. Forbes

Rungpisit Vorakamnueng

Rungpisit Vorakamnueng or Mek is a Senior Content Marketing Specialist at Manatal. He is a passionate writer who likes to constantly up his game by learning about innovations and technologies. When he's not focusing on writing about recruitment topics, he likes to practice martial arts and seek out the coolest sneakers.

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Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
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I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.

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