Complete Guide to Candidate Screening

December 22, 2023
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To make the best hiring decisions, it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of candidate screening. From defining job requirements to conducting interviews and reference checks, every step in the screening process plays a vital role in finding the right fit for your organization.

But one can't help but wonder, what is candidate screening? How does it benefit an organization entirely? And finally, how can you create an effective screening process that ultimately saves you time and resources? Let's find out.

What is Candidate Screening?

Simply put, candidate screening is the hiring process that involves evaluating potential candidates to determine their suitability for a specific position within a company. It is a structured method used by recruiters and hiring managers to sift through a large pool of job applicants and identify individuals who possess the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience.

By screening candidates, recruiters and hiring managers can save time and resources by focusing their efforts on the most promising candidates. This process typically involves reviewing job applications, conducting phone interviews, assessing soft skills and technical skills, and conducting background checks. Effective candidate screening ensures that only qualified individuals who align with the company's values and culture are considered for further interviews and ultimately, hiring decisions.

Benefits of a Comprehensive Candidate Screening Process

A comprehensive candidate screening process offers several benefits to organizations looking to hire the right talent. It ensures that only the most suitable candidates are considered, reducing the risk of making a poor hiring decision. By thoroughly assessing potential candidates, companies can save time and resources in the long run.

One of the biggest challenges in candidate screening is the time-consuming administrative task of manually reviewing resumes. However, AI technology can significantly assist in this process. With AI-powered applicant tracking systems, you can automate the screening process by using algorithms to assess resumes based on predefined criteria. This not only saves time but also improves the accuracy and consistency of the screening process. You can also seamlessly integrate ATS with existing hiring workflows, making the screening process more streamlined and effective.

Below is a 3-step guide to ensure a successful candidate screening process.

Candidate screening: Step by Step

Creating a screening process requires planning, preparation, and execution. Here are some steps you can follow to create a candidate screening process for your recruitment:

Step 1: Doing the Pre-Screening

Once you've advertised a vacancy, you can expect to receive a large number of applications. Thus, this initial stage allows you to efficiently filter through and identify potential candidates who possess the minimum qualifications for the role.

It is essential to have a structured method in place for pre-screening to ensure a consistent and efficient process. This may include the use of applicant tracking systems and skills tests to further assess candidates' suitability for the role. By conducting thorough pre-screening, recruiters can narrow down the pool of applicants and proceed to the next step in the candidate screening process with a more focused and qualified candidate market.

Assess Job Requirements and Desired Skill sets

When it comes to finding the best candidates for a job, you need to start by assessing the job requirements and desired skill sets. Typically, you need to review job descriptions and discuss with hiring managers or team members to do the assessment. The goal of this step is for you to understand the key qualifications that are mandatory for the role and the preferred qualifications that would make a candidate stand out.

Thus, reviewing resumes is an effective way to screen candidates and identify preferred qualifications. These professional profiles provide a snapshot of a candidate's work history and achievements so that you can quickly determine if they have the desired skill sets.

💡Pro tip: Using an ATS with AI recommendations will automate the bulk of, if not the entirety of this task. Some jobs may receive thousands of resumes and using an ATS to manage reviewing candidate info is the only option for such scenarios. Check out how Manatal’s AI recruiting software can help your recruitment efforts.

Another method to screen candidates is to assign a skills test. This allows you to evaluate their abilities to perform key responsibilities and meet deadlines. These tests provide valuable insights into a candidate's skill level and suitability for the role, giving recruiters a deeper understanding of their capabilities beyond what can be conveyed through a resume or interview alone.

Personality tests can also be useful in gaining insights into candidates' behavior traits. While these tests should not be the sole determining factor in the hiring decision, they can provide additional information on a candidate's compatibility with the company culture and their potential to thrive in the role.

By assessing job requirements and desired skillsets, screening resumes, and utilizing skills tests or personality tests, recruiters can effectively identify the most qualified candidates for a position, ensuring a better match between the candidate and the role.

Create an Effective Job Description

A well-written job description acts as a powerful tool to entice potential candidates to apply for the position. By clearly outlining the job responsibilities, required qualifications, and desired skills, a job description helps candidates understand the role's expectations and determine if they have the necessary background to excel.

An effective job description aids in attracting suitable candidates who possess the specific skillsets needed for success in the role. By including the desired technical and soft skills, candidates who possess these qualifications are more likely to be drawn to the position, resulting in a higher quality pool of applicants.

Aligning the job requirements with the job description also helps streamline the candidate screening process. Candidates who possess the necessary qualifications are more likely to proceed in the recruitment process. This saves time and resources by focusing on candidates who are more likely to succeed in the role.

Utilize Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

ATS software automatically scans and analyzes resumes to identify the best candidates based on specific job requirements and qualifications. It filters out irrelevant resumes, ensuring that only qualified and suitable candidates are considered for further evaluation. This automated process eliminates the need for manual screening and significantly reduces the time spent on reviewing a large volume of applications.

Leading ATS platforms offer a range of features and functionalities that aid in screening job candidates. These include advanced keyword matching to identify relevant skills and experiences, customizable screening questionnaires to assess candidates' qualifications, automated email responses to keep applicants informed, and integrated background check capabilities.

One such ATS platform is Manatal. It offers a user-friendly interface, personalized recruitment workflows, and advanced candidate search options. Manatal's ATS facilitates resume parsing, allowing recruiters to quickly extract essential information and make informed hiring decisions.

Step 2: Conducting the Initial Screening Interviews

The initial screening interviews are a crucial step in the candidate screening process. This is the stage where you evaluate potential candidates based on their qualifications and suitability for the job. During these interviews, you would assess the candidate's soft skills, communication skills, and overall fit for the company culture.

The aim is to filter out candidates who do not meet the minimum qualifications or do not possess the required skill sets. You can do the initial screening interviews through phone interviews, video interviews, or use a standardized set of questions to interview all candidates. This step helps you and the hiring team to effectively manage the volume of applications received and narrow down the pool of candidates to a more manageable number for further evaluation.

Phone Interviews

One primary objective of phone interviews is to verify the candidate's availability and interest in the position. This helps recruiters save time by ensuring that only genuinely interested candidates move forward in the hiring process.

Additionally, phone interviews provide an opportunity to assess the candidate's communication skills, one of the most sought-after soft skills in the job market. By gauging how effectively candidates articulate their thoughts and respond to questions, recruiters can quickly determine whether they possess the necessary communication abilities for the role.

Video Interviews

Video interviews have become increasingly popular in the candidate screening process, offering several advantages over traditional in-person or phone interviews. One way to seamlessly integrate video interviews into the hiring process is by utilizing a video interviewing tool.

One of the key benefits of video interviews is the convenience they offer. Candidates can record their video applications at a time and place that suits them, allowing for flexibility and a more personalized experience. Additionally, video interviews save valuable time and resources by allowing hiring managers to review and assess candidates' responses without scheduling and conducting multiple in-person interviews.

Writing Tests and Skill Sets Assessments

For evaluating candidates for roles that involve writing or editing, conducting writing tests and skill set assessments is crucial. These assessments allow recruiters to determine candidates' abilities in areas such as authenticity, grammar, creativity, articulation, and finesse.

Writing tests are an effective way to assess a candidate's writing skills. This can be done through assignments that require candidates to provide written responses to specific questions or scenarios. Assessing candidates' grammar skills, creativity, and ability to communicate ideas effectively can give hiring managers insights into their potential fit for the role.

For example, one useful tool that can be integrated with an applicant tracking system (ATS) like Manatal is Codility. Codility is a platform that provides skill assessment tests for software engineering roles. Integrating Codility with ATS systems streamlines the candidate screening process by automatically sending invitations to candidates and providing test reports within Manatal.

Step 3: Background Checks and References

After narrowing down the pool of candidates through initial screening interviews, the next step in the candidate screening process involves conducting thorough background and reference checks.

Background checks are essential for validating the accuracy of a candidate's resume and ensuring they have the necessary qualifications and credentials for the position. These checks typically include verifying previous employment history, and educational background, and checking for any criminal records or negative professional behavior. A more recent type of check included within this process is the social media background check, wherein a company ensures that the candidate hasn’t posted anything on social media that would be damaging to the company brand or values.

Reference checks are also critical in assessing a candidate's suitability for the role. By reaching out to former supervisors or colleagues, employers can gain valuable insights into a candidate's work ethic, abilities, and overall demeanor. This step in the screening process helps to validate the information provided by the candidate and make an informed hiring decision.

Employment Verification & Education/ Qualifications Verification

When assessing job applicants, it is essential to confirm their employment history, academic qualifications, and professional certifications.

  • To verify an applicant's employment history, employers typically contact references from the candidates’ previous employers to gather information regarding job titles, dates of employment, job duties, and performance.
  • When verifying academic qualifications and educational degrees, employers often reach out to educational institutions to confirm the degrees, diplomas, or certifications claimed by the applicant. They verify the dates of attendance, degree earned, major, and any honors received.
  • Reference checks are another important aspect of the screening process. Employers contact individuals listed as references to gain insights into the candidate's work ethic, interpersonal skills, and overall suitability for the role.


An effective screening process plays a crucial role in identifying suitable candidates for a job opening. By evaluating resumes, you can assess the qualifications and skill sets of potential candidates and make informed decisions. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures that only the most qualified candidates move forward in the selection process.

Moreover, a balanced approach in candidate screening considers not only technical skills but also soft skills and cultural fit.

Taking an intentional approach to candidate screening demonstrates a commitment to quality and efficiency. By using a structured method, such as phone or video interviews, conducting background checks, and utilizing applicant tracking systems, employers can streamline the process and evaluate a large volume of applications effectively.

With Manatal, you can streamline your screening process, reduce your hiring time, and find the best talent within a few clicks. Start a 14-day free trial with Manatal today to learn more about the software and discover more of its innovative feature.

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