EP95: Tom White - How to Personalize The Recruitment Experience

May 29, 2024
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All-In Recruitment is a podcast by Manatal focusing on all things related to the recruitment industry’s missions and trends. Join us in our weekly conversations with leaders in the recruitment space and learn their best practices to transform the way you hire.

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Lydia: Welcome to the All-In Recruitment podcast by Manatal where we explore best practices, learnings, and trends with leaders in the recruitment space. If you like our content, please subscribe to our channels on YouTube and Spotify to stay tuned for weekly episodes.

I'm your host, Lydia, and with us today is Tom White of Tetra Tech. Welcome to the show, Tom.

Tom: Thanks for having me, Lydia. It’s an absolute pleasure to be on [the show].

Discover How Consistency and Authenticity Shape Recruitment Success

Lydia: You've been in the recruiting space for your entire career and seen it from multiple perspectives. So, what's kept you in this space? It must have been an interesting journey.

Tom: That’s a really interesting question. I believe that not a single day is ever the same, and that is genuinely fascinating. Many people say that, but I suppose the variety is what truly captivates me. I start each morning with a to-do list, and it can change drastically throughout the day. Priorities shift, tasks become more urgent, and the landscape of responsibilities evolves. It’s a dynamic list, reflecting the ever-changing environment I work in.

Working in this space is fantastic. It provides a unique opportunity to help people, and I genuinely love that aspect. Whether it’s assisting a hiring manager in finding the right person for their team or ensuring the team structure aligns perfectly, there’s a sense of fulfillment in making a positive impact. And yes, it might sound a little cheesy, but discovering someone’s dream job - one they can truly love - is one of the key fundamentals that keeps me engaged in my role.

Lydia: And speaking of fundamentals, seeing this from multiple perspectives across different industries, what are some of those enduring principles that have remained consistent throughout your journey, Tom? We’ve witnessed significant changes over the past three to four years - both pre-pandemic and during the pandemic. So, what might be some of these fundamentals that have stayed the same?

Tom: Yes, it’s been a really crazy time, I’d say for everyone involved. As you mentioned, the pandemic was a completely new experience for lots of people. I suppose the fundamentals that never really changed revolve around consistency.

So what I mean by that is, whether you’re part of a recruitment team or a Talent Acquisition function, your consistency in your day-to-day approach is crucial. That means understanding your clients, colleagues, and candidates. But it’s also about authenticity—being honest and maintaining integrity. When you say you’ll follow up, actually do it. A huge part of this consistency is keeping people informed. Sometimes things may seem quiet, and people might feel unheard. That’s a natural human inclination.

So, even when there’s no news, let them know that there’s no news. Keep things moving forward and if you haven’t received feedback for a candidate, communicate that you’re actively chasing it down. It puts people at ease. I’ve been on the other end of that, Lydia. Spending days waiting, hoping for feedback or an update. It’s easy to get caught up in our own heads.

Lydia: In terms of technology entering and just infusing itself into those fundamentals. How do you think technology has helped solidify those elements?

Tom: I think if you use technology in the right way, the ability to automate certain tasks and key things can really help you. I think technology helps to a degree. But there is always that human touch element. I'm firmly behind that. Technology, for me, should be a tool to help us do what we, recruitment people, do best. And that’s to help people find jobs, to help hiring managers find the right people to join the business. And then utilize automation, you hear lots of talk around AI now to their advantage and it gives people more time to speak to people, to help people, and take it from there.

Identify Key Steps for Successful Business Integration

Lydia: Now, moving on to your role at Tetra Tech, what are some key priorities that you have, maybe this year or in the years to come?

Tom: Yes, it’s been a huge journey at Tetra Tech. I was originally part of a company called RPS, which was acquired by Tetra Tech last year. Now, it’s been a whole year of change, movement, and transformation as a wider business.

As we transitioned from RPS to Tetra Tech, my role has slightly changed. I now work for the broader Tetra Tech business, which I’m very fortunate to do. My role involves collaborating with several brands, with RPS being one of them. The goal is to build continuity, consistency, and a sense of community, especially considering our global presence. While many of our European brands have a significant share of business in Europe, my recent focus has been bringing these teams together. I act as a critical friend, providing advice and expertise - whether it’s related to legal matters, employer branding, systems technology, or fundamental strategies. The aim is to foster collaboration and establish a strong presence for us.

Lydia: There is that one step before, as you mentioned it was acquired. And so, moving into that key focus area, managing that transition of a workforce into a much larger organization, what might be some key steps to consider when taking on such a task?

Tom: You’re absolutely right, Lydia. It’s been a massive change, a significant curve. I believe effective change management is absolutely vital. Unfortunately, many companies miss the mark in this area. Let’s take the example of our recent integration with RPS. We’re now part of a 28-person business. Many of our colleagues had worked together for years, accustomed to certain ways of doing things within specific teams. Suddenly, we find ourselves part of this massive global enterprise. It’s a seismic shift.

For businesses facing such transitions, constant communication is key. Put information out there, create forums, and give people the chance to ask questions. Town halls, interactive sessions, and regular updates all play a role. These efforts help people settle down because, understandably, there can be suspicion when you’re suddenly absorbed into a new role.

Questions arise: What’s my position? How secure am I? Where do I fit into this vast company? We’re still navigating this journey, and it takes time. But week by week, month by month, we’re making progress. Our focus remains on helping everyone find their place and feel secure in this new environment.

Lydia: How many people were there ever moved?

Tom: It’s always a little bit ambiguous, but I would say that when RPS was around, it had approximately 5,000 people globally. Now, as part of Tetra Tech, we’ve seen significant growth. Initially, I mentioned 27,000 people, but the latest update indicates that we now have 28,000 people globally. This change is substantial. For us, it’s a positive shift - one we’ve actively worked toward.

The great news is that culturally, Tetra Tech seems like a fantastic fit for our business. It’s not a complete overhaul. Rather, it’s a transition to a different environment - one that we embrace. Importantly, at Tetra Tech, we firmly believe that people should maintain their independence to some degree. Even though we’re part of a large company, we encourage individuals to continue utilizing what makes them unique. Our entrepreneurial spirit remains intact, regardless of our association with this massive entity.

Lydia: That individuality comes with that uniqueness, as you said, comes with an organization that has now moved into a larger one. I think that's quite interesting to see. In terms of the change management, going back and managing that communication I imagine there will be several stakeholders that you work with.

Tom: You're absolutely right. It's a team effort. It's about ensuring that managers, regardless of the department understand the kind of mission and the journey we're on. From a department point of view, internal comms have a huge part to play in this, as well as the leadership team. So, at the board level, again, it needs to come top down. And we need to see those people present and engaging with [each other]. Tetra Tech did a fantastic job with that, again, we're learning lessons all the time. We're a huge global business with a number of internal systems and communication channels. But it's really key that the internal community is briefed consistently, and as I said earlier, has the opportunity to ask questions and now understand it, and make it make sense for them.

Lydia: How does this in any way impact the recruitment efforts that will probably be put in place with the business plans that you have?

Tom: There was a little bit of apprehension at first when you heard about the announcement of this takeover. So, what I mean by that is, if you’re an external candidate, what does that mean for me? Maybe accepting a job at RPS, for example, or one of our alpha brands, now that we’ve been absorbed by Tetra Tech. Is it going to be the same? Will the role change? That initial apprehension existed externally, and internally, many of us wondered, “Is this the right place for me to continue my career?” It’s the unknown, right? Venturing into uncharted territory.

However, as a whole, we’re working hard to maintain a sense of business as usual, while also benefiting from being part of a massive global enterprise. So yes, there was curiosity in the market during the first three to six months post-acquisition. But we’re doing a great job, and there’s always room for improvement. We’re striving to explain to candidates the connection and link between us as a company.

Lydia: So, that also means over communicating and really clarifying, ensuring that the communication element is front and center in terms of recruitment efforts.

Tom: Absolutely.

Identifying Key Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent

Lydia: Moving on to recruitment and the candidate experience that comes with it, are there any specific strategies that Tetra Tech might use to attract technical or scientific talent? Are there any strategies that you can share?

Tom: I think for us, the key thing is about understanding those communities.

So again, it’s about understanding those communities and promoting the best parts of working at a global company like Tetra Tech. It’s not just about the specific role; it’s about coming and talking to us to understand what we’re all about. Building talent communities and pipelines is essential for us. When we consider diverse talent, we focus on partnerships. For instance, we collaborate extensively with ex-military networks. We recognize that these networks often provide talent that might not be immediately available through traditional channels. Their profiles serve as a valuable source for us.

Personally, I’m a massive advocate of the ‘grow your own’ philosophy. In my current role within the business, I work across different departments to understand our workforce plan moving forward. Where can we strategically invest in growing our own talent? It’s a challenge, especially in the global talent market, but I believe this approach can address many of our challenges. Additionally, we must leverage the fact that we’re a huge global business by utilizing our internal talent pool. We need to foster growth, development, and learning for our team members before we continue moving forward.

Lydia: In terms of internal mobility, is that what you're talking about?

Tom: Yes, absolutely. So I think, once again, we’re at the start of something exciting. A key part for me is helping people find pathways and opportunities to grow, develop, and perhaps even build a more diverse portfolio within the company. At Tetra Tech, we place significant emphasis and effort on the external marketplace. We have a wealth of talented individuals—I’m a prime example. Having been absorbed by Tetra Tech, I’ve now found a fantastic role here that I truly enjoy. And I’m sure there are millions of other people out there in the world who, like me, can explore opportunities not only externally but also within our own organization.

Managing Urgency without Compromising Recruitment Quality

Lydia: And Tom, in terms of balancing the speed or the time to hire or the time to fill a role that needs to be filled immediately due to business requirements, how do you manage that? Internal mobility seems like a long-term plan, while recruitment might be faster in terms of getting people on board. What are your thoughts on this?

Tom: I think there are a number of different ways to think about this. I suppose the first obvious question is, “What is the urgency?” Because if you rush an appointment, you might make the wrong call. Again, the cost of that to your business is not only commercial but also cultural. Bringing in the wrong person can disrupt a teammate and cost you a lot more.

We mentioned internal mobility earlier. Actually, when I’m speaking to a hiring manager, I often advise them to consider whether there’s an opportunity for team members to pick up some of the responsibilities while we search for the ideal candidate. Is there a chance for someone to step up and gain experience and exposure? Flexibility is crucial. Sometimes, instead of looking for a permanent person to fill a role long-term, why not utilize the interim market? If there’s essential work that needs to happen and you’re losing money, bringing in someone on an interim basis can be really beneficial. So, I’m not averse to that either.

Lydia: So, Tom, how should recruitment teams prioritize or just present a great candidate experience throughout this recruitment process, whether it's internal or even external, that sort of positive candidate experience or rather a memorable candidate experience?

Tom: I think it's absolutely essential, especially in an industry where it's highly competitive. Now, you've got a couple of parts that play in that it's around work-life balance, flexibility, obviously remuneration and benefits, but it's also about the experience that you give.

So, if you think about it, and it's not always the case, and to understand that, but a lot of your Talent Acquisition teams and recruitment teams are that person's first experience of your company. Regardless, you might want to spend millions per year on your employer brand. But if the experience they receive when they speak to say, one of your recruitment team, or they come for an interview, and it's not a decent experience for them, that will stay with them.

I initially come from a retail background, so you can swap candidates for customers. The old saying was, if you give someone a good experience, they'll tell 10 people. If you give someone a bad experience, they'll tell 20. I think that really it’s true of candidate experience. I have experienced some shocking candidate experiences. and I would immediately have a bit of a, I suppose, negative perception towards that brand, rightly or wrongly.

I think that, again, is a huge part. So, in a hyper-competitive market that we're in, regardless of industry, regardless of global location, those are things that really matter. So, I would urge everyone to put that high on their priority list.

Lydia: In terms of a global Talent Acquisition team that traverses different cultures and locations, how do you create that experience to make it adaptable to different cultures or different countries for instance?

Tom: I think it is twofold. Again, it's understanding your market, and understanding what is acceptable and welcomed within that geographical region. But then also, it's putting the stuff in place that makes it understand that there's a lot of impersonal kind of responses that go out. We might get back to you if you're lucky. You haven't been successful. But also where possible, personalizing that experience.

There's lots of great technology coming out now, which I see is all around personalizing the experience. I totally appreciate that you can't send a handwritten note to every single person who applies, for example, but personalize the experience. Especially get people into that kind of interview stage, pick up the phone, talk to them, take it offline, and have a conversation. I think people really appreciate that kind of effort and time taken.

Lydia: That really goes back to the fundamentals that you've talked about earlier that haven't changed.

Tom: Absolutely.

Understand How Internal and External Networks Can Boost Your Career

Lydia: So, Tom, final question. What advice would you give to someone who's starting out in the people space today?

Tom: I think for me, it's about two things, really. It's about building up your network, and I mean that internally and externally. So internally, meet people, talk to people, be curious, and don't be scared. There's no such thing as a silly question, especially when you're new. Learn, absorb that.

Externally, there's so much to learn. There are so many great developments in the kind of talent space, and there are lots of great peers who are happy, especially in Talent Acquisition, to share their knowledge. It's not really like a secret society where people are not keen, from my experience. So, I make a huge effort with my external networks and make a huge effort to build those relationships internally because it is a long career, and you'll never know who you're going to see along the path. Someone who can help will maybe help you later on. So, those are the key things for me.

Lydia: And the network itself, as you go along, I would imagine, although it's a long career, the networks and communities get tighter. You tend to know more people, and you'll probably end up also growing different people who are entering the teams.

Tom: Absolutely. Again, I think building networks, is not just people in Talent Acquisition, there are huge amounts that can be learned from different industries, and different specialisms. So, it's great to be almost like a sponge. Like I said, don't be afraid to ask questions. I learn every day and keep that kind of learner mindset. I think that's vital when you're developing your career.

Lydia: Thank you so much, Tom, for your time and your insights. You have been generous to share all these thoughts with us. So, for those who are listening in and might want to pick up a conversation with you, drop us your contact details. Where can they connect with you?

Tom: I'm on LinkedIn. So, [search ]Tom White on LinkedIn. From an email perspective, it is tom.white@tetratech.com. Please feel free to reach out and connect. I look forward to speaking to you.

Lydia: Thank you again, Tom. And we have been in conversation with Tom White of Tetra Tech. Thank you for joining us, and remember to subscribe and stay tuned for more weekly episodes from All-In Recruitment.

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